Friday, February 4, 2011


THAT PARTY LINE was not a line for a party. 

We felt fortunate to be issued the one telephone for the entire multi level  house in which we grew up (attic, second floor, first floor, basement).  And that telephone was a "party line" meaning that several families from our communitiy shared the same telephone number, and depending on the sound of the ring, it was either for one of your family members, or, even if it was not for your family, if you were mischievious (or nosey), you could still listen in on someone else's conversation!
What do you think we did??!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you remember that when we wanted to use the phone and the other party had been on for a long time, we would pick up the receiver and click the (what did we call it?) up and down. Than hang up the receiver. Then a few minutes later, if the person was still talking, click the little black button up and down again, hoping the other party would get the hint!
