Friday, March 4, 2011


This afternoon I received a phone call from Teresa  (our  neighbor who lives in the home across from us  / adjacent to the Antique  House).   She was quite upset about the activity going on last night:

Teresa spotted a stranger snooping around  her husband’s work area --- she first noticed  a small  light moving / probably a result of someone moving around with a flashlight in that area.  Teresa believes that this intruder did not  come up the driveway . . . but instead,  entered their property in an inconspicuous manner --- walking along the tree lined fence-line so as not to be easily detected.  The intruder did leave footprints.  Nothing was taken.  Her son (who was on his way home when he received the desperate phone call from Teresa),  did spot a vehicle speeding away from  the neighborhood, heading for FM-51 .

Teresa  believes this  intruder was casing the place, and she is reporting this uncomfortable event to the Sheriff’s Department.    

It’s really important that  we each keep our eyes open for strangers and that all the neighbors are “kept in the loop” and updated of any suspicious activity.    I, myself, intend to brush up on  “target practice”.

Sorry to have to share this unpleasant news with you, especially since it has only been a few weeks since Bob reported similar events  / burglaries at his antique house (diagonally across).  I don’t know if these attempted burglaries are coincidentally related to the Detour.


  1. My neighbor e-mailed me the following:
    Thank you for keeping us informed of these terrible acts. Also, around Christmas time Elmer, The older man who has the property on the corner was broken into 2 times in 1 week. We have been keeping an eye out for unknown vehicles passing by slowly. I have run 3 cars off from in front of our house in the last 2 weeks. 1 red ford pickup truck and 1 dark colored mini van. I as well, have been practicing my target shooting.

  2. Another neighbor e-mailed me the following:
    A couple of months ago, we had someone go through our mail, envelopes had been opened and the contents removed. We also found a bunch of our mail spread all over the road, south of our mail box. Earl found it and brought it to us.

  3. Perhaps you could line the top of your fence with shards of glass to keep the intruders on their toes and off your property. Anyway, what happened to all those dogs in your neighborhood?

  4. Some neighbors believe that if your gate is locked and you have a no tresspassing sign shoot away. But when in doubt, shoot first and ask later.
    Another neighbor added Texans can defend in their house OR on their property, if they FEEL threatened. That sounds to me like a nice wide open hole....and as another one of my neighbors across the way said, one has to be very brave, or very stupid to mess around in Texas.
    Some neighbors are having signs made up that say: NO TRESPASSING . . . WE SHOOT FIRST, ASK LATER.

  5. This reminds me of the story you told about your teenage years. I think you had folded laundry and went into your parents' room to place a pile on their bed. You saw, in the clerestory window which was about 8' high, a man looking in. Without a boost, this would make the man 8' tall. When you checked outside all you found was one massive footprint. Whatever happened? Tell that story again...
