Thursday, March 3, 2011


THE FOSSIL WALK IS NOT A DANCE, even though it rocks!  Living in rural America has been FOSSIL FUN,  but ever changing:
Up until 6 years ago, on our brisk walks,  to our delight and amazement, we would invariable find fossils along the dirt road . . . the variety sold in the "nature stores" for $25 dollars and up!
We, along with the occasional visitor who loved to walk and find natural treasures, would anxiously anticipate the best part of the day . . . taking that special stroll along the dirt road, looking forward to the "discovery".
A geologist could probably explain why these fossils would work their way to the surface, and we would never know when or where we would find the next treasure (it was on a par with the excitement of catching a decent sized fish).
So the question is, why are we no longer finding (fishing for) fossils on this little road?   The answer may probably be due to paving, which,  in one sense we appreciate (mainly for the lifetime and wellness  of our vehicles), but in another sense, we find to be not "rave"able.  Those Fossil walks rocked, and are now history.


  1. Do you ever find fossils in your fields? Would love to see some photos of the fossils!

  2. Long ago, this part of the country was the bottom of an ocean (this is why that area is so flat). The ocean was shallow and tropical and there were lots of critters that thrived there. Today, many millions of years later, what's left is a bedrock of limestone -- chock full of the the fossils of the happy sea-dwelling critters! Now the people that find the critters are the happy ones!
